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Thursday, November 10, 2011

I am Fahad. I am not what I look like.

Fahad is my name. It is a symbol for strong, wild, and fast in Arabic. It was named after my oldest uncle who raised my father and my other uncle. My namesake loved me so much, and I was his favorite nephew. I thought it was because we have the same name. Now,I have a nephew named Fahad, and he is my favorite and I love him so much. Not because of his name, but because of who he is. I believe my uncle, who passed away years ago, felt the same. my nephew reminds me of myself when I was little. I saw myself in his honesty, his jokes, and his personality .“Fahad” means a lot for me. It was the first thing that I got from my parents.
I am from the golden desert where its sun has given me my dark skin. I am the conservative liberal. I am a messenger who has a letter to deliver. I am a traveler who wants to visit all the places in the world .I don’t mirror myself. People first impression about me usually does not reflect my personality. Once they get to know me, they owe me an apology, so please do not judge me. I am not what I look like.


  1. Dear Hope in the Dark Desert! How wonderful it must be to have a name that means "strong, wild, and fast."! How lucky you are to have this name used from generation to generation to build connections across time. I love the insight you had about your name...That LOVE is more than a name, it is BEINGNESS...a collection of characteristics we cherish! Love can be honesty! I love it that you come from a "golden desert" and you have "dark skin." I want to know more about the "letter" you have to "deliver." What will you say?

  2. I really like when you say that your name "means a lot for me" because I feel the same for my name and it is really important and influencial for my personality. The caracteristiccs that your name has as a meaning " strong, wild and fast" are really interesting. Also I feel really cath by all the passion and mistery that the desert has in your pictures and descriptions.!!!
